European Vs American Blackjack 2025

Emma Smith | January 10, 2023 | Updated on: January 2nd, 2025

European Vs American BlackjackIt’s European vs American blackjack; which variation will come out on top? Find out here. Many players find it hard to differentiate between American blackjack and European blackjack. If you enjoy playing the game of 21, knowing the difference between these two games can impact the amount of money you can win in a gambling session.

One of these games carries favourable odds, while the other not so much. Knowing the difference means you’ll know which game to play to bump up your bankroll.

To ensure that you know which game is better between European and American blackjack, our experts explain in detail the differences between these games. Keep reading to find out why American vs European blackjack is a topic at the blackjack tables.

American Vs European Blackjack

European Vs American Blackjack Differences

Several differences can be found between American and European blackjack. For starters, how the cards are dealt with is one of the biggest differences is that you will notice.

In American blackjack, you will be dealt two cards instantly. One will be dealt face-up, and the other will be face down. The dealer also gets their two cards simultaneously, one face up and the other face down. The dealer has to check the value of their cards if their face-up card is an Ace. Should the dealer have a natural blackjack, then the game will end immediately.

On the other hand, the dealer will only receive their second card with European blackjack once you have completed your hand.

The second difference that you will notice is the number of decks. European blackjack only uses two decks, and American blackjack guess is between 6 and 8 standard decks.

The other difference between the games can be found in the basic rules and how certain rules will change the house edge by either increasing or decreasing it. Below is a table that summarizes the main differences which you will find in the game.

European Blackjack OnlineAmerican Blackjack Online
Number of Decks26 to 8
Hole CardNoYes
Payout3 to 23 to 2 and 6 to 5
Double DownOnly on 9, 10 or 11Yes
Duoble Down on SplitsNoYes
Late Surrender RuleNoYes


European Blackjack Rules

The European variation of blackjack is quite standardized and easy to start playing. Below are the rules you would need to follow when playing this blackjack variation for real money. This variation of blackjack uses two decks of cards and has fixed payouts. The game plays out three to2 for blackjack, 2 to 1 for the insurance bet, and 1 to 1 for a tie.

  • There is no hole card in this variation; therefore, the dealer will not peek for Blackjack.
  • The dealer’s hand always wins over the player’s hand at a total of 21.
  • If you and the dealer have a blackjack, it is considered a push, and all bets will be returned.
  • Dealers have to stand on a soft 17 and hit on the 16
  • you will be allowed to Double Down if you have a hand of 9, 10 or 11.
  • You won’t be allowed to split fours, fives or tens.
  • While you’re allowed to split your hand only once, you won’t be able to double down on a split hand.
  • Lastly, he cannot surrender if the deal is basic card is an ace. The insurance bet is allowed if the dealer has an s.

European Blackjack Strategy

The European blackjack strategy outline how you should play each hand that. You will find that this is quite similar to what you would find in the basic blackjack strategy.

European Blackjack House Edge

The house edge in the European variation is quite comparable to the other standard blackjack games. As the game only uses two decks of cards, counting is an ideal strategy to use in this game. You also find that as fewer decks are being used, the house will have several unfavourable rules to counterbalance disadvantage.

  • The house edge is decreased by 0.19% when a double-deck is used.
  • Should the dealer stand on a soft 17 the house it will decrease by 0.22%
  • As you can’t, we split aces the house edge is increased by 0.18 %.
  • When you double on a hand of 19 or 11, the house edge is increased by 0.09%
  • The edge will increase by 0.14 % as a no double after splitting is allowed
  • European blackjack does not have a whole card they will be held it increases by 3.7%.\

american vs european blackjack

American Blackjack Rules

The American variation of blackjack has similar rules to what you would find in the European variation; however, there are a few minor changes to the rules which we mentioned below. This variation of blackjack is a 6 to 8 standard card deck.

  • The dealer can peak for Blackjack if their whole card is ten or ace
  • The dealer also has to stand on a soft 17
  • You can double down on any hand, and you are allowed to double down after splitting.
  • Players are allowed to split their hands up to three times.
  • Aces can only be split once, and you will only be allowed to take one card to split the aces
  • Late surrender rule is allowed in this game blackjack
  • The American version pays 3 to 2 or 6 to 5

American Blackjack Strategy

Similar to European blackjack, the American variation has several strategies that you can use to improve your odds. Here are some of the basic strategies found in American blackjack.

  • It is recommended that you hit if you have a hand between 4 and 8 while the dealer’s hand is between 2 and 10.
  • Should you have a hand of nine and the dealer has a hand of 2, it is best two up your bet.
  • If you have a hand between 12 and 16, it is best to stand if the dealer has a hand lower when yours.
  • Should you have a hand between 17 and 21, it is best to stand.

House Edge

The number of decks that are used increases the house edge considerably; however, it does make it harder for card counters to use their strategy. The house edge increases and decreases with some of the rules that are found in American blackjack

  • The house edge decreases by 0.08 % with the late surrender.
  • The number of card decks increases the house edge by 0.65 %.
  • Splitting aces decreases the house edge by 0.38%.
  • When the dealer hits on a soft 17, the house edge will increase by 0.22 %.
  • A double after splitting decreases the House Edge by 0.14 %
  • when you double on any hand, the house edge will decrease by 0.25 %.

American Vs European Blackjack: Which Version Is Better?

We would say American blackjack is the better variation to play. The hole card saves players from making unnecessary bets as the game will end if the dealer has 21. the game also offers better wagering choices.

On the other end, European blackjack is the easiest game to play with fewer decks being used. This immediately lowers house edge, and it is the best variation to play if you’re trying to count cards.

American blackjack is the better version to play if you were a strategic player looking to improve their chances of winning by using aggressive tactics. However, if you were looking for a much easier and more fun game, you would opt to play European blackjack.

Knowing how you intend on playing blackjack will help you decide which version is better for you. Recognizing the differences and being able to play each game with strengths and weaknesses will easily improve your chances of winning in both games.


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