Online Craps Rules & Gameplay

Jennifer | November 12, 2021 | Updated on: September 30th, 2024

Craps Rules

Welcome to the best craps rules guide. Knowing the rules of the game is directly related to how well you’ll play. The more acquainted you are with the rules and overall gameplay, the better your chances of winning cash.

Studying the rules in craps shouldn’t be a tedious task if you follow this guide. We’ve summarised everything you need to play the game in a way that’s easy to grasp, especially for beginners. So, if you would like to know more about the rules of the game then continue reading!

Craps Rules Page Content

The Objective of The Game

Before we get into the different craps rules, let’s first brush up on the overall aim of the game. Craps is a popular casino game where players like yourself bet on the outcome of a pair of dice. Depending on where you play, you will either be betting against other players (as in street craps) or betting against the house (as with casino craps). Your main goal is to guess the outcome of the dice as accurately as you can. The different bets in craps showcase the various possible outcomes that two dice can bring. You just have to hope that the possible outcome you choose to bet on is the one that actually occurs when the dice is rolled.

Craps Rules of Play

Casinos may have their own way of facilitating craps games but most casinos follow the same craps rules for the most part.

There are various rules regarding when you may or may not join a craps game. Of course, if you are playing online then the following craps rules do not apply to you. Online players have the luxury of joining a craps game whenever, wherever they like. If you are playing at a land-based casino and would like to play craps, you simply approach a craps table and check if that particular table has reached its capacity. If not, you may signal interest to the dealer who will give you the green light to join in. Most casinos prefer that you place your money directly on the table instead of handing it to the dealer.

Craps Table Rules

Typically, the newest player to the table will automatically become the next shooter. But, if you would like to join the game without being the shooter you have to check if the game is at a point where this is allowed. You’ll know if it’s safe to join or not by looking at the dealers “on” and “off” button.

If the button is “off” it means that the game is currently in the come-out roll phase meaning a point has not yet been established and therefore you cannot join yet. Casinos don’t typically allow players to join at this point because the pass line bets are in play and an outcome of 7 or 11 is most likely, meaning the player is at a better advantage during this stage. If the button is “on” it means that the game is at a stage where the dealer may accept new bets.

Craps Rules for Rolling the Dice

The craps rules regarding how the dice should and should not be handled during any given game is clear. These measures are taken to prevent any kind of cheating technique like trying to control your shot or switching the dice somehow. Here are some of the rules that you can expect:

  • Shooters are required to roll the dice using just one hand.
  • Casinos prefer that both the dice bounce off the sidewalls of the table to validify the outcome.
  • If the dice rolls off the table then the dealer may collect a new dice. In some cases, the same dice can be used provided that the Boxman approves.
  • Both dice must be put in play or else the rolls won’t be deemed valid.

Craps Rules for Rolling Dice

Craps Table Etiquette

One of the advantages of playing craps online is that you don’t have to worry about proper conduct and what’s allowed or not allowed at the craps table. But, if you’re playing at a land-based casino, here are some of the basic table etiquettes to familiarise yourself with.

  • When it’s your turn to shoot but you’re not ready, you may respectfully decline and pass the rollover to the player next in line.
  • Food and drinks generally aren’t allowed around a craps table unless you’re a high roller with unusual perks and treatment.
  • Tipping the dealer is good practice especially after you’ve won.
  • Dealers are allowed to accept tips which many of them use to supplement their salaries.
  • The word seven is forbidden around a craps table.
  • You do not directly purchase chips from the Boxman, the dealer does this on your behalf.

How to Play Craps

Once you’ve got all of the above on lock, you should be ready to play craps for real money. Craps is one of those casino games that take some getting used to, but once you feel comfortable around the table you’ll play like a pro in no time. Every craps game round has two phases called the come-out roll phase and the point phase and they play out in the following manner.

  1. Once all bets are in, the game enters the come-out roll phase. The dealer will hand the dice to the player to his immediate left who will start the game.
  2. The shooter will make the come-out roll, being careful to shoot the dice far enough to bounce off the far end walls of the table.
  3. You will receive a payout if you made a pass line bet and the outcome was a 7 or 11. You will lose if the outcome was a 2,3, 11 or 12. All other outcomes e.g. 4,5,6,8,9 and 10 will be considered the point number. Betting on numbers 4 through 10 is called a place bet.
  4. Field bets, proposition bets, hardway bets, horn bets etc will also come into play.
  5. At this point, the dealer will switch the button to “on” which indicates that a point has been established and the shooter must roll the point number again if he/she wishes to win that round.

Play Craps for Real Money

You can test your newfound knowledge in the game at any of the online casinos that we list in our table above. At our casinos, you are able to play craps for free or real money, while some casinos even offer the option to play live craps games.


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